Hello Mom and Family,
Another week has flown by. I cannot believe I have already been here for two weeks. The days seem to go by so slowly, and then all of a sudden, it's P-day again! I'm very thankful for P Days and Sundays, where our schedules are a little more relaxed....
I got Eric's letter in the mail. That was strange. I hope he is still liking the MTC. Please continue to send Dear Elders, it makes the experience here much better to know that people on the outside are thinking about you. I also need Kaitlin and Daniel's email addresses so I don't have to waste postage on them because they are technically family.
Yes, Please send me some cookies! Preferrably raising filled. And if you could, include some more ties. Not all of them, just some more of the nicer ones so I have more options to wear.
That is interesting to hear about Brother Richards, although I also thought he went to Hong Kong, because I remember him telling me that he spoke Cantonese.... but for all we know the mission extended to that part of the world!
The more time we spend learning about Singapore and Malaysia, the more excited I am to go! Our teacher comes in everyday talking about how good the food is, so I'm ready for that (the MTC food is anything but exciting). The people seem so interesting to me, and I love the random Asian customs that we practice. For example, whenever we teach our investigators here we always bow, take our shoes off, and sit perfectly cross legged on the floor. We always have to explain to them that we berlutut (kneel) when we are praying. We also learned that in parts of Malaysia, everybody gets works off when it rains too hard, so it will be easy to schedule appointments ^___^.
We've had a great line up for devotionals here. I know back home, whenever the Stake President announces a fireside everybody begins formulating their excuses, but here it is the highlight of the week. We had a great one about the pioneers, and sang " Come, come ye saints" as an entire MTC, which was a really powerful experience. One of my new favorite songs, because even well all seems to be dismal, and our life may seem dark, all is well, for our Heavenly Father has greater things in store for us.
One lesson that really touched me this week was when our teacher asked, "How many times have you heard someone say in a prayer, 'please bless the missionaries in the field' ?" I had heard that plenty of times in my life, but it always seemed like just one more plug in to our standard prayers. But now that I am a part of the work, that I am a full time missionary, I realize what a mukjizat (miracle) it really is. I think of how daunting a work is before us. We have to learn a new language, go to a remote part of the world, and invite people to come unto Christ who have never been a part of Christianity. Knowing that everyday, many faithful saints are praying for our success and our safety, I feel comforted and strengthened, and I am once again reassured that All is well, and that we can fulfill the commandments that God has given unto us. I hope everybody continues to pray for all the missionaries, and specifically for me, that I will be able to do what must be done.
Another concept that really struck me was time. One of our most precious gifts from our Bapa Syurgawi (Heavenly Father) is the time we have been given. It is up to us to determine how we will allocate this time. It is interesting to see at the MTC here, how even when people know the exact time before they will be thrown into the real world (the field), they still don't give it all their effort, saying they'll try harder next time, or just focus on getting through the day. I know that Heavenly Father will expect everything we have. It is not until we are fully stretched that we will begin to learn and grow. Even within the strict rules here, it is easy to get 'comfortable' with the routine, so that you can 'get by'. I hope I never fall into this category, for there is simply too much to be learned for any time to be wasted.
I'm not feeling homesick anymore, which is good. I still miss you guys, but I am beginning to realize that the next two years are not about me. I read in Matthew when the Savior tells the people that whoever will save himself, will lose himself, but he that loses himself for the God's work, will find himself. Along the lines of that. I realized that now is the time for me to forget about myself. To forget about any worldy concerns that will detract from my focus. The mission is a great opportunity for this, and I am beginning to see that in our lives there is no time for worrying about ourselves. Once we know, we are enlisted into the work. We have to go out and help others reach their potential now. We were blessed with the opportunity to go to the temple today and open our perspective about our next two years.
I have to write Dad an email now, since he's in Peru and can't read this one apparently, so I have leave early.
Saya seluru termasuk kamu di doa saya. Saya berdoa bahawa Allah akan bantu kamu dan memberkati kamu dengan Roh-Kudus. Jumpa Lagi!
dengan sayang,
Elder Robinson
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